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Meta-analysis comparing digital and paper books

Sari, B., Takacs, Z. K., & Bus, A. G. (2017). What are we downloading for our children? Best-selling children’s apps in four European countries. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 1468798417744057.

Open pdf file of publication here 

Strouse, G. A., Newland, L. A., & Mourlam, D. J. (2019). Educational and Fun? Parent Versus Preschooler Perceptions and Co-Use of Digital and Print Media. AERA Open, 5(3), 2332858419861085.
Free full article available from AERA Open

Smeets, D. J., & Bus, A. G. (2012). Interactive electronic storybooks for kindergartners to promote vocabulary growth. Journal of experimental child psychology, 112(1), 36-55.

Smeets, D. J., & Bus, A. G. (2013). Picture storybooks go digital: Pros and cons. Reading instruction in the age of common core standards, 176-189.

Open new page with article here.

Dore, R. A., Hassinger-Das, B., Brezack, N., Valladares, T. L., Paller, A., Vu, L.,  & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2018). The parent advantage in fostering children’s e-book comprehension. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 44, 24-33.
Full text available from here.

Takacs, Z. K., Swart, E. K., & Bus, A. G. (2014). Can the computer replace the adult for storybook reading? A meta-analysis on the effects of multimedia stories as compared to sharing print stories with an adult. Frontiers in Psychology, 5.

Full article here

Takacs, Z. K., Swart, E. K., & Bus, A. G. (2015). Benefits and pitfalls of multimedia and interactive features in technology-enhanced storybooks: A meta-analysis. Review of educational research, 85(4), 698-739.

Full article here

Verhallen, M. J., & Bus, A. G. (2010). Low-income immigrant pupils learning vocabulary through digital picture storybooks. Journal of educational psychology, 102(1), 54.

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Kucirkova, N. (2016). Personalisation: A theoretical possibility to reinvigorate children’s interest in storybook reading and facilitate greater book diversity. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 17(3), 304-316.

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Kucirkova, N. (2017). Digital personalization in early childhood: Impact on childhood: Bloomsbury Publishing.

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Kucirkova, N. (2017). How Can Digital Personal (ized) Books Enrich the Language Arts Curriculum? The Reading Teacher, 71(3), 275-284.

Kucirkova, N. (2017). An integrative framework for studying, designing and conceptualising interactivity in children’s digital books. British Educational Research Journal.

Kucirkova, N. (2017). iRPD—A framework for guiding design‐based research for iPad apps. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(2), 598-610.

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Kucirkova, N. (2018). A taxonomy and research framework for personalization in children’s literacy apps. Educational Media International, 55(3), 255-272.

Kucirkova, N., & Cremin, T. (2017). Personalised reading for pleasure with digital libraries: towards a pedagogy of practice and design. Cambridge Journal of Education, 1-19.

Kucirkova, N., & Flewitt, R. (2018). The future-gazing potential of digital personalization in young children’s reading: views from education professionals and app designers. Early Child Development and Care, 1-15

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Kucirkova, N., & Littleton, K. (2016). The digital reading habits of children: A national survey of parents’ perceptions of and practices in relation to children’s reading for pleasure with print and digital books. In: London: Book Trust.

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Kucirkova, N., Littleton, K., & Cremin, T. (2017). Young children’s reading for pleasure with digital books: six key facets of engagement. Cambridge Journal of Education, 47(1), 67-84. 

Read full article here. 

Flanagan, E., & Hall, T. (2017). Digital ensemble: the ENaCT design‐based research framework for technology‐enhanced embodied assessment in English education. English in Education, 51(1), 76-99.

Read full article here. 

Flanagan, E. (2015). Digital ensemble: exploring the design of technology-enhanced learning to mobilise and augment students’ engagement with English literature (Doctoral dissertation).

Strouse, G. A., Newland, L. A., Mourlam, D. J. (in press). Educational and fun? Parent vs preschooler perceptions and co-use of digital and print media. AERA Open. Special Issue: Screens, Apps, and Digital Books for Young Children: The Promise of Multimedia.

Troseth, G. L., Strouse, G. A., Flores, I., Stuckelman, Z. D., Russo Johnson, C. (2019). An enhanced eBook facilitates parent-child talk during shared reading by families of low socioeconomic status. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. Special Issue.

Strouse, G. A., Nyhout, A., & Ganea, P. A. (2018). The role of book features in young children’s transfer of information from picture books to real-world contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 9.

Strouse, G. A., & Ganea, P. A. (2017). Parent-toddler behavior and language differ when reading electronic and print picture books. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. Research Topic: Touch Screens Touching Children’s Lives

Takacs, Z. K., & Bus, A. G. (2016). Benefits of motion in animated storybooks for children’s visual attention and story comprehension. An eye-tracking study. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1591.
Roskos, K., Burstein, K., Shang, Y., & Gray, E. (2014). Young children’s engagement with e-books at school: Does device matter?. Sage Open, 4(1), 2158244013517244.
Roskos, K., Brueck, J., & Widman, S. (2009). Investigating analytic tools for e-book design in early literacy learning. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 8(3).
Roskos, K., Burstein, K., You, B. K., Brueck, J., & O’Brien, C. (2011). A formative study of an e-book instructional model in early literacy. Creative Education, 2(01), 10.
Hoffman, J. L., & Paciga, K. A. (2014). Click, swipe, and read: Sharing e-books with toddlers and preschoolers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 42(6), 379-388.

Frederico, A. (2016). The future of the reader or the reader of the future: Children’s interactive picturebook apps and multiliteracies. Caderno de Letras da UFF26(52), 121–139.

Free full text is here

Frederico, A. (2017). Children making meaning with story apps: A 4-year-old encounter with The Monster at the End of This Book. In Astrid Ensslin, Paweł Frelik, and Lisa Swanstrom (Eds.), Paradoxa: Small Screen Fictions29, 43–64.

Free text available here

(Book winner of the The N. Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism of Electronic Literature, by the Electronic Literature Organization)

Aliagas, C.; Matsumoto, M; Morgades, M.; Correro, C. Et al. (2017). Young Children (0-8) and Digital Technology. What changes in one Year? (Spain National Report). Publicado en el Dipòsit Digital UAM

Free text here.

Matsumoto, M; Aliagas, C.; Morgades, M.; Correro, C. Et al. (2016). Young Children (0-8) and Digital Technology. A qualitative exploratory study. National Report, Spain. Publicado en el Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB

Full text here

Sylla, C., Pires Pereira, Í. S., & Sá, G. (2019, June). Designing Manipulative Tools for Creative Multi and Cross-Cultural Storytelling. In Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition (pp. 396-406). ACM.
Sá, G., Sylla, C., Martins, V., Caruso, A., & Menegazzi, D. (2019, June). Multiculturalism and Creativity in Storytelling-Visual Development of a Digital Manipulative for Young Children. In Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition (pp. 369-381). ACM.

Rees, K., Nadig, A., & Rvachew, S. (2017). Story-related discourse by parent-child dyads: A comparison of typically developing children with language impairments reading print books and e-books. International Journal of Child-Computer Interactions, 12, 16-23.

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Rvachew, S., Rees, K., Carolan, E., & Nadig, A. (2017). Improving emergent literacy with school-based shared reading: Paper versus ebooks. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 12, 24-2

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ALIAGAS, Cristina & MARGALLO, Ana María (2017). Children’s responses to the interactivity of e-storybooks in family shared reading events involving the iPad. Literacy 51: 44-52.

Free full text is here

Hoel, T., & Tønnessen, E. S. (2019). Organizing Shared Digital Reading in Groups: Optimizing the Affordances of Text and Medium. AERA Open, 5(4), 2332858419883822.

Open access here

Eng, C. M., Tomasic, A. S., & Thiessen, E. D. (2019). Contingent responsivity in E-books modeled from quality adult-child interactions: Effects on children’s learning and attention. Developmental Psychology.

Available here

Available here

Furenes, M. I., Kucirkova, N., & Bus, A. G. (2021). A Comparison of Children’s Reading on Paper Versus Screen: A Meta-Analysis. Review of Educational Research, 0034654321998074.
Tang, K. Y. (2021). Paradigm shifts of E-books-supported learning: Evidence from the a Co-citation network analysis with an education focus (2010–2019). Computers & Education, 104323.
Cherner, T. S., & Gurjar, N. An Investigation of Protagonists in Storybook Apps for Children.

DissertationManuscript-LoriBruner , University of Alabama

A mixed-methods study that examined the affordances of interactive storybook apps for young children’s vocabulary development.

Strouse, G. A., Troseth, G. L., & Stuckelman, Z. D. (2023). Page and screen: Storybook features that promote parent-child talk during shared reading. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 86, 101522.
